The recently concluded Presidential and Congressional elections have organized labor salivating over the likely passage of the so-called and grossly misnamed Employee Free Choice Act ("EFCA"). EFCA, which actually would eliminate "employee free choice" concerning unionization, is at the very top of organized labor's very aggressive legislative agenda and enjoys the strong support of President-elect Barack Obama. You cannot underestimate how dramatically the enactment of this misguided and ham-handed legislation could change your workplace and jeopardize your business and the livelihoods of your employees. The proposed law is nothing short of a power grab by unions. At this point, EFCA is still only proposed legislation, and no one knows exactly what form it will take upon final passage. One thing is certain, however: with strong Democrat majorities in both the House and Senate, and a President who is eager to sign the legislation, EFCA is certain to become law in some form, and employers need to begin preparing for it now. Continue reading >
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