Jones Walker partner J. Kelly Duncan was a speaker at the American Bar Association Gaming Law Minefield National Institute. The event, held February 18–19 at the Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spa in Henderson, Nevada, provided in-depth coverage and discussion of the many issues confronting both commercial and Native American gaming. Speakers and attendees included attorneys, compliance officers, Native American leaders, industry regulators, and legislators associated with the gaming industry.
Mr. Duncan participated as a speaker in a panel titled "Financing, Debt Workout and Bankruptcy in Gaming," which focused on challenges to the gaming industry, such as widespread bankruptcies and financial restructuring, and what the future holds for companies in the gaming industry. Other topics presented during the two-day event included new gaming technology, increased compliance audit activity, Internet gaming, Native American gaming, hot topics in the gaming industry, developments in dealing with problem gamblers, and an ethics program.
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