Several Jones Walker partners acted as moderators and presenters at the Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association (GNOBFA) Seminar on April 27–29, 2022. Marc Hebert served as a Seminar Moderator, featuring a series of panel sessions addressing legal, cyber, regulatory, medical, and other timely issues facing the barge, fleeting and towboat industry. Jeff Tillery served as a defense lawyer on a mock trial held during the seminar, Wayne Zeringue, Jr. participated on a panel discussion on ethics and professionalism in the court room and through the litigation process, and Nadia de la Houssaye served as a panelist which focused on managing COVID-19 and epidemics both on and offshore. The GNOBFA is a non-profit association of companies engaged in the operation of barge fleets and towboats in the New Orleans - Baton Rouge corridor.
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