Jones Walker attorney Marjorie A. McKeithen will present along with Boyd A. Bryan and Michael B. Donald at the upcoming Greater Baton Rouge Industrial Association (GBRIA) 2010 Conference, "New Solutions to Industry's Greatest Challenges," on January 27, 2010, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Ms. McKeithen will speak in a session titled "How Will Cap & Trade and Green Legislation Affect My Plant?" at 9:00 a.m. Her session will discuss how such legislation will affect industrial plants, but she will also stress that although the House has passed a climate control bill (HR 2454), action by the Senate is uncertain and may be delayed due to various factors. Nevertheless, regardless of when or how Congress acts, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is already coming out with regulations involving greenhouse gases and mobile sources (light duty trucks and cars), greenhouse gas reporting requirements, greenhouse gas Clean Air Act operating permits and carbon capture and sequestration rules, which may have a significant impact on industry long before any final action before Congress. She will note that the regulations are coming to get you, if the legislation does not.
To view the slides from the group's presentation, please click here (PDF).