Jones Walker has been assisting bank clients in all phases of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) since the program was created. Due to the rise in litigation and the potential for regulatory enforcement issues relating to the PPP, Jones Walker has created a PPP Bank Litigation Task Force that combines the resources of our attorneys with deep experience in bank regulatory compliance with those skilled in financial services litigation.
Jones Walker’s PPP Bank Litigation Task Force recently announced the launch of its PPP Bank Litigation Tracker, a tool created to monitor and identify trends in PPP litigation against banks as well as enforcement actions by the Department of Justice and bank regulatory agencies. The tracker is a preemptive tool to help financial institutions better understand the emerging risks to lenders arising from the PPP and to develop defense strategies and defend against litigation stemming from the program should it arise.
The PPP Bank Litigation Tracker is available to anyone on the firm’s website and all approved users will also be given access to the PPP Bank Litigation and Regulatory Toolkit with links to relevant cases, enforcement actions, regulatory investigations, and client alerts.
For more information on the emerging litigation risks that banks face related to PPP click here to read the recently published article “Litigation and Regulatory Risks to Banks from Paycheck Protection Program” written by partners Rob Carothers and Graham Ryan.
For more information, please contact Robert L. Carothers, Jr. and Graham H. Ryan.
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