Many of you may not be aware of the WARN Act (a/k/a the plant closing law) and may not recognize the need for advice in this area in connection with disaster recovery efforts and plans. The WARN Act requires employers with over 100 employees to provide written notice of termination resulting from any event that qualifies as a plant closing or mass layoff within the meaning of the law. Written notice also must be provided to certain government and union (if the employees are unionized) officials. Lawyers in the Labor and Employment Group of Jones Walker have been dealing with these issues for a number of clients and are very familiar with the WARN Act's very strict requirements. If any of you are being forced to terminate employees or to lay off employees, even if only temporarily, please contact one of the lawyers in the Labor and Employment group for advice. Contact: Mark Adams, practice group leader at Read our September Louisiana Employment Law Letter focusing on disaster recovery employment issues.
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