Energy and natural resources companies are not just key drivers of the global economy — they are also highly sensitive to changes in global demand, economic and manufacturing trends, conflicting support for traditional, alternative, and renewable sources of energy, and a constantly evolving framework of local, national, and international environmental laws.
The Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources industry group at Jones Walker helps clients find and follow a clear path toward business success. We have worked with clients to address and resolve the challenges energy and natural resources companies face from regulators, law enforcement agencies, municipalities, citizens groups, and private individuals, and partner with clients to achieve an effective balance between the needs of industry, the environment, and end users. Our understanding of the industry is based upon decades of experience in this sector.
We have represented domestic and international clients in matters from the west coast to the east coast and across the Gulf Coast of the United States. Our clients include major oil and gas producers, independent producers, renewable and alternative energy companies, joint ventures, operators, pipeline companies, mining companies, fabricators, service companies, refining and chemical companies, power generation and transmission companies, landowners, royalty interest owners, and financial institutions.
A number of our attorneys have backgrounds in geology, engineering, environmental management systems, architecture, urban and regional planning, and industrial management. Our team includes former government regulators and general counsel for state agencies — including the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), the Louisiana Office of Conservation, and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) — as well as US attorneys and assistant US attorneys, state legislators, and a former governor of Mississippi.
We have deep experience in state environmental statutes as well as applicable federal laws, including the following:
We advise clients on the full range of energy and natural resources matters, including complex energy transactions, regulatory compliance, dispute resolution, and government relations, as well as compliance with corporate, securities, labor and employment, health and safety, intellectual property, and other laws and regulations.
Jones Walker LLP released the findings of its 2020 Midstream Oil and Gas Cybersecurity Survey, examining cybersecurity preparedness in North America-based independent midstream oil and gas companies.
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