Our attorneys provide regulatory advice and representation to hundreds of financial institutions throughout the United States in connection with matters before state, federal, and foreign regulatory agencies. Our fluency in bank regulatory matters enables us to provide effective representation to investors and operators in virtually all matters, ranging from seeking new bank charters to expanding their operations, either by acquisition or by establishing new institutions, branches, or offices. In addition, we represent a number of major financial institutions in matters before the United States Congress.
Our attorneys routinely represent banks, insurance companies, securities firms, and other financial institutions regarding a wide range of compliance issues, including matters arising under the Bank Secrecy Act, requirements of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), privacy issues, and the development and implementation of anti-money laundering programs. We also assist clients with investigating and resolving internal fraud issues, and with developing and implementing anti-fraud compliance programs.
Our attorneys have provided regular counsel to banking institutions ranging in size from $1 billion to $45 billion on the development of new products and services. In doing so, we have provided advice regarding consumer compliance, IT considerations, and overall risk management. Our attorneys also provide multi-state advice for the development of compliance programs on regulatory issues such as flood insurance, BSA/AML, payment systems, and identity theft. Jones Walker's Banking & Financial Services Practice Group attorneys are regular panelists on compliance topics including document retention, BSA/AML, payment systems, and fraud prevention. We routinely draft and revise enterprise-wide policies and procedures.
Our attorneys have substantial experience in the merger and acquisition of regulated financial institutions. Our experience includes successful applications with all federal banking regulators, SEC, FINRA, as well as the insurance departments and securities commissions of all 50 states.
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