Public-private cooperation is essential to the success of the energy industry, and is a primary driver of local, regional and national growth. The experienced government relations attorneys of Jones Walker serve as effective advocates for energy clients in the halls, offices and conference rooms of federal and state agencies and legislative bodies.
Access is the first requirement in promoting client and energy industry interests. Our government relations team includes former regulators, general counsels, and assistant general counsels for a number of agencies, including the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Coast Guard, Louisiana Mineral and Energy Board, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Among our partners are a former governor of the state of Mississippi and a member of the Mississippi state legislature, and a former president of the Alabama Public Service Commission and former president of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.
Our highly experienced attorneys and staff assist clients by monitoring state and federal legislative and executive activities, participating in regulatory agency administrative proceedings, and preparing, supporting, or opposing legislative initiatives. To assist clients with their legislative goals, our attorneys and Government Relations Specialists meet regularly with the most active policymakers at the White House, on Capitol Hill, and throughout other branches of local, state, and federal government. We have successfully communicated the concerns and ideas of companies and trade associations on a number of regulatory and legislative issues, including existing and proposed carbon sequestration, water use, environmental issues and taxation, among other key areas of interest to our clients.
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