Recipient of a four-ribbon rating in an EnergyPoint Research survey of industry clients.
Today's energy industry is as dynamic as the resource around which it is based. New technologies and increased global demand are transforming the production and distribution of energy, power and natural resources derived from traditional reserves. Consumers, businesses and legislators alike are actively calling for—and supporting—the development of power from renewable and alternative sources. Regulators continue to seek an effective balance between the needs of industry, the environment, and end users.
The energy team at Jones Walker has the experience, creativity and national footprint required to help industry clients adapt to changing circumstances and exploit new opportunities. We have represented domestic and international clients in matters from Arizona to New York and across the Gulf Coast of the United States. Our clients include major producers, independent producers, joint ventures, operators, pipeline companies, fabricators, service companies, refining and chemical companies, power generation and transmission companies, landowners, royalty interest owners, and financial institutions.
Our energy attorneys have the technical and scientific backgrounds, regulatory and law-enforcement experience, and legal acumen—coupled with an unparalleled work ethic and the ability to think independently—to help clients address the full spectrum of energy-related issues. Our team includes former federal government regulators and general counsel for state agencies, U.S. attorneys and assistant U.S. attorneys, Judge Advocate General officers, judicial clerks, state legislators, and a former governor of Mississippi. A number of our partners hold faculty appointments at premier law schools around the country. We also have a strategic alliance with the Sullivan Group, a consulting firm founded by a former president of the Alabama Public Service Commission, which provides advice to clients on energy policy, public affairs, and regulatory and government issues.
We advise clients on the full range of energy and natural resources matters involving oil and gas (upstream, midstream, and downstream, as well as onshore and offshore), power generation, alternative energy, mining and water. We handle complex energy transactions help ensure regulatory compliance and resolution of conflicts with federal and state agencies, provide government relations services, and represent clients in all forms of industry-related disputes and litigation.
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